Blog users by country – is this a reflection of PowerPlatform usage by country?

By | September 29, 2021

I was looking at my blog statistics in Google analytics today (doing a review  every now and then), and noticed something that I’m curious about.

To start with, I don’t do a lot of presentations, so my blog, for the most part, is all about delivering written material. Which is available in any time zone at any time, and it’s all about Power Platform.

However, looking at the number of users by country in the last 6 months, here is what I see:


Don’t get me wrong – I would not have dreamed of having that many visitors when I was starting, and I’m grateful to all of you for coming here every now and then.

However, the numbers above mean that about 50% of those reading my blog are from the countries where English is the first language. India somewhat stands out there, of course, and I’m assuming this is partially because there is a lot of IT outsourcing, and, because of that, India is almost literally “on the same page” as United States in that sense.

However, the rest of the world is definitely under-represented relatively to the population. Consider Germany and France, for example. Together, they are about 5 times as big as Canada, but, again together, they yield just about as many users for my blog as Canada.

There are, likely, at least a few possible explanations:

  • Language barrier
  • PowerPlatform usage is different in different parts of the world
  • All those numbers are misrepresenting the real picture, and there is lots of noise there (potential spammers trying, incorrect google search hits, etc)

It seems there is no way of telling which one is it by looking at my own blog stats, but I am wondering if, from your experience, the chart above represents PowerPlatform usage by country, or is it more a representation of some other factors?

One thought on “Blog users by country – is this a reflection of PowerPlatform usage by country?

  1. Brad

    I’m not surprised that Australia is at number 4, it has grown and grown here since the crm6 cluster went online 6 or so (?) years ago, and there is a massive shortage of Power Platform engineers.


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