Power pages snippet rendering – 3 options, 3 different HTML outputs

As described on Microsoft learning, there are 3 ways we can render snippets in Power Pages: A developer can place a snippet using Liquid: {{ snippets[“<>”] }}, {% editable snippets ‘<>’ %}, or {% include ‘snippet’ snippet_name:'<>’ %}. Customize content by using content snippets | Microsoft Learn It looks like it’s more or less interchangeable,… Read More »

Form OnLoad vs OnDataLoad

There are two different onLoad events in the client-side XRM framework, and I did not know that… Well, it’s better to find it out late than never 😊 https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-apps/developer/model-driven-apps/clientapi/reference/executioncontext/geteventsource Here is how it works: Actually, I used to think OnLoad does what OnDataLoad do. Maybe it used to do it? Not sure. Either way, when… Read More »